Introducing Nudes 04 featuring Andrea Suárez. For Andrea, art is one of the few things that has remained relevant over time, since the dawn of humanity. Therefore, jewelry and ceramics share more than meets the eye, and for her, this craftsmanship is what gives meaning to everything.

On your social media platforms, you often speak about rebellion and the need for more frequent practice. Historically, nudity has always been one of the greatest acts of rebellion. How do you express this defiance?
In my case, the inclination towards rebellion has always been innate. It’s a tendency I simply can’t avoid. I feel comfortable pushing situations to the extreme to highlight the absurdity in an ironic and hyper-realistic manner. Throughout my life, I’ve tried to resist this impulse, placing myself in uncomfortable situations and getting into trouble without fully understanding why, but I always did. That’s how I realised that this rebellious essence is simply part of me, and that’s okay.
Currently, I consider the message conveyed by authentic rebellion, the one that unsettles, to be of great importance. I feel that in contemporary society, rebellion has been distorted, reduced to more childish and absurd expressions. I’m not interested in this institutionalised rebellion.
My works, besides being aesthetically beautiful, carry a message for those willing to receive it. They all invite completely free interpretation, and through them, I address themes such as freedom, the duality between good and evil, or the role of women both in contemporary society and in history, among others.

Your hands are your daily work tools and the ones you adorn the most with jewellery. Does this prominence of decoration on your hands have anything to do with them being your main source of inspiration and creation for pieces?
My hands are a tool, undoubtedly the most complex for me to handle. I work equally with both hands, and for a long time, I thought this was common. However, I’ve recently realised that it’s not.
Sometimes, while sculpting or playing the piano, it seems as if my hands have a life of their own, acting almost automatically. It wouldn’t surprise me if the existence of neurons in the hands were discovered, just as it has recently been discovered in the digestive system.

What connection do you see between your ceramic pieces and RÊVER’s jewellery? Apart from their enduring quality over time and your artworks featuring nude female torsos, how do you perceive your art reflected in Nudes?
I find our pieces quite contrasting, but perhaps it’s that very disparity that makes them complement each other so well. My works are far from being rationalist or minimalist, although I’ve always appreciated minimalism, especially in jewellery.
I’m fascinated by the connection between ceramics and jewellery, as both are crafts that date back to the dawn of humanity. We could say they are fundamental activities of human beings since time immemorial. Creativity, art, the use of symbolic language as seen in jewellery, the perception of the transcendental; all these elements have been part of what defines us as humans, and it’s remarkable to see how they continue to be relevant in contemporary society.